Bug report
Platform Windows
Platform version: 10
App Version: 550
How to reproduce
Shortcucts for setting the note status (Ctrl+Shift+1…5) do not work.
Also, the Status dropdown menu doesn’t disappear when clicking on it again nor when clicking elsewhere in the application. The only way to close it is to select one of the items from the menu.
(Takuya Matsuyama)
March 14, 2022, 6:57am
Hi Jakub,
Thanks for the report. Yeah, looks like ctrl-shift-<number>
doesn’t work on Windows.
The keymaps have to be instead:
'ctrl-!': 'editor:change-note-status-none'
'ctrl-@': 'editor:change-note-status-active'
'ctrl-#': 'editor:change-note-status-onhold'
'ctrl-$': 'editor:change-note-status-completed'
'ctrl-%': 'editor:change-note-status-dropped'
Replacing ctrl
with alt
works as well:
'ctrl-alt-5': 'editor:change-note-status-dropped'
I’ll consider changing it in the next version.
As to the dropdown menu, it is an annoying bug in Semantic UI. It is no longer maintained unfortunately, so I’ll implement it myself in the future.
(Takuya Matsuyama)
April 26, 2022, 7:35am
Fixed the keymaps in v5.5.1
Download here
Bug fixes
Windows & Linux: Cannot choose individual Markdown files on Windows or Linux when importing (Thanks Wakate and Chanakan
Specify font-family for the in-editor input dialog (Thanks Otawara )
Align deeply indented lists (Thanks Otawara )
Handle config load errors (Thanks Takeshi )
<style> tag in note is not working
title attribute of img is not being properly rendered in preview
Remember distraction free mode on next laun…
(Takuya Matsuyama)
January 15, 2024, 6:05am
The dropdown issue where it can’t be hidden by clicking has been resolved in v5.6.3-beta.0 .