Duplicate items in the context menu

Bug report


  • Platform: Windows
  • Platform version: 10
  • App Version: 5.5.2

How to reproduce

If call the context menu on a note in the Trash, then the list will contain a duplicate separator and Move to Trash item.

Hi Dmitry,

Thanks for the report.
I tried to reproduce it but I couldn’t see a duplicate separator.
Is it possible to share a screenshot?


Hmm, I don’t see the issue on my macOS.
I’ll check it also on Windows later.



  • Platform: Windows
  • Platform version: 10
  • App Version: 5.8.0

@dgavrilov I found a bug in the menu for Windows. Thanks!

The fix has landed in v5.8.1:

Thanks again for the feedback!

“Move to Trash” is gone, but the dividers remain.


I’ll check if it’s possible to hide the separators. Thanks!

Hmm it turns out that it is not possible unfortunately