Inkdrop Mobile v5.4.0 - Ground-up improvements!

Hey, Inkdroppers! It’s Takuya here.

I’m happy to announce that Inkdrop for iOS and Android v5.4.0 is now available.

What’s new

  • Significant performance improvement on Android
  • The full-text search engine is now language-agnostic
  • Better maintainability with simplified dependencies
  • Cohesive tag colors
  • Link expansion
  • Metadata section

:dash: Significant performance improvement on Android

After intensive optimization and tuning, I’ve managed to improve the launch speed ~300ms faster on Android!

Here is a demo:

As you can see, rendering the note list items is now as fast as iOS!

:mag_right: The full-text search engine is now language-agnostic

The current version uses the language-dependent tokenization processes called the Porter stemming algorithm and a Japanese-specific segmentation algorithm.
In some cases, they cause some odd searching issues, where you can’t find notes with particular keywords.

I recently found that SQLite3 officially supports the trigram tokenizer.
I managed to migrate to it. Now, you can use any languages including Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc., in your notes!
Also, it fully supports partial matching, so it is optimal for searching code snippets.
For example, it can properly find a note with a code fragment like "er } = require(".

In addition, it lets you highlight matched keywords in the search results, which is cool.
This feature will be implemented in the future.

:wrench: Better maintainability with simplified dependencies

Thanks to the continuous evolution of React Native, it has performant JSI modules that can replace the complicated polyfill modules, such as RNCrypto.
This makes the app much more easy to maintain in the long term.
I also created one myself to use PouchDB with SQLite in a performant way (Read the blogpost).

I believe that it surely levels up the core user experience.
I hope you enjoy it!

Cohesive tag colors

The desktop version has got better colors for tags, and now the improvement has landed on the mobile version, too!

Link expansion

Internal note links are now rendered as rich links with the note status, task progress, and tags, which would be useful for managing related notes.

Metadata section

The preview pane has got a new metadata section, which displays the metadata of the currently opening note.

It displays the task progress and created and updated date times.


If a note is linked from other notes, these backlinks are displayed in ‘LINKED TO THIS NOTE’ in the metadata section like so:

:writing_hand:Toolbar buttons for inserting alerts

Now it’s easy to insert Alerts from the toolbar.

Thanks for the suggestion, Bundit!

:lady_beetle: Feedback during the beta testing

Thank you so much for giving me feedback during the beta testing!! :raised_hands:
