Progress report on updating the mobile app for iOS and Android

Hi folks! I would like to report the progress report on updating the mobile version.

:dash: Significant performance improvement on Android

I’ve been working on updating the mobile version to improve the performance by bumping up React Native to the latest and switching to its new architecture.
I’ve managed to do that and it actually improves the launch speed ~300ms faster on Android!

Here is a demo:

As you can see, rendering the note list items is now as fast as iOS!
I can’t wait to release it :star_struck:

:face_holding_back_tears: New architecture is still not ready for production

Regarding the UI, unfortunately, it turns out that React Native’s new architecture is not ready for production use yet.
The architecture itself is actually fine, but some libraries like react-navigation and bottom-sheet have not been finished to fully support it.

I experienced a lot of app crashes, weird behaviors, etc.
There are already bug reports, and the library authors are working on them.
So, we have to wait for a while until all the underlying libraries are ready.

:tipping_hand_man: Update the current app instead

Meanwhile, I decided to make some minor updates to the current version such as GFM Alerts syntax support. I also found how to make the app able to run on e-ink tablets:

So, it’d be nice to publish them first.

That’s it!

Thank you so much for supporting Inkdrop.
Have a productive day :raised_hands: