Issue with Changing Notebooks in Inkdrop 5.6

Bug report

In Inkdrop version 5.6, there is an issue where changing the assigned notebook for a note does not work as intended. It appears to change the notebook of the previous note instead.

The content of the note and the tags are updated correctly. The issue persists even after disabling all plugins and not using the init.js script.

A workaround is to restart or reload Inkdrop while the target note is open.

I will also write in Japanese.

Inkdrop 5.6 で所属するノートブックを変更できなくなります。

すべての plugin をオフにして init.js を未使用にしても再現します。

回避方法は、対象ノートを開いたまま Inkdrop を再起動または再読み込みです。

macOS Venture 13.5.2 (M2)


This has been replicated on both Windows 11 and macOS Venture 13.5.2 (M2).

Howto reproduce

Switch to the note and change the notebook from the ▼ dropdown menu below the title.


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Hi Shimizu-san,

Ahhhh that makes sense.
You mean the previous revision of the note gets updated when moving the note via the “Move Note” dialog, right? So, the currently editing data gets unexpectedly discarded unless you save it before moving the note.

The app should save the current edit buffer when handling the click event of the dropdown menu.
I’ll fix it!


It seems that instead of the previous revision, the notebook of the note selected before the current one changes.
After switching the note display from A to B, when I change the notebook of B using the “Move to Notebook” dialog, the notebook for A changes.

A から B にノートの表示を切り替えた後、B のノートブックを Move to Notebook ダイアログで変更すると A のノートブックが変わる。

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I managed to reproduce it!
Well, that was due to a component state issue where the note ID wasn’t updated correctly in the dialog component when opening another note.
Thanks for elaborating!

It should be fixed in v5.6.2-beta.0🙌 Please let me know if you still get the issue.


Thank you, it’s fixed !

Cool, thanks for checking it!

v5.6.2 has been released :partying_face: Thanks again for reporting as always.