[v5.9.2] Problem with backtick on macOS

Bug report

  • Platform: macOS
  • Platform version: Sequoia 15.2
  • App Version: 5.9.2

Starting with version 5.9.2, when trying to type a backtick character ` with an Italian layout keyboard (key combo option-9), two backticks are printed with the last of them in ‘special mode’ to be used to add an accent to a vowel (ei. à).

How to reproduce

Press option-9.

Hi Alessandro,

Thanks for the report.
I’m not familiar with “special mode”.
Could you show me what exactly happens with a video or gif?

Hello Takuya, I’m attaching a recording as requested.
(Sorry, in the video I wrote version 9.2.0 but I meant 5.9.2)

Thanks for the video!

I guess this is due to a new feature introduced in Inkdrop Desktop v5.9.1.

The backtick key triggers the core:toggle-inline-code command, and I found that it doesn’t prevent the default event handler.

Could you try this patch?

Thank you Takuya, unfortunately the problem is still present.

It looks like the special mode can’t be suppressed from JS side. At the moment, I don’t know how to avoid this issue.

How about unbinding the core:toggle-inline-code command in your keymap.json?

  ".CodeMirror textarea": {
    "`": "native!"

Hope it solves.

Thank you Takuya, that did work!

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I guess I found how to fall back to the native behavior in the command event handler, so this keymap config won’t be necessary in the next version.

should be fixed in v5.9.3. The config hack is no longer needed.
Thanks again for reporting, @Alessandro_Baldoni !