Bug report
Hi v5.6.0 messed up so much for me. can you allow me to download an earlier version via some link. I tried to find something online but couldn’t figure it out.
I use this tool for work every day and so I don’t really have the time to try and get this stuff to work properly.
In the past I spent a considerable amount of time hacking inkdrop with a lengthy custom init.js and a lot of keybindings.
now for starters the jj remap in vim doesn’t work anymore (it just doesn’t allow me to write j anymore in insert mode).
and there’s a ton of other issues with the switch from cson to json, which I see was automatically done in the last version without being announced.
I added custom remaps on a progammatic level via init.js
const vimMoveUp = handleVimCommand({
keys: 'k',
type: 'motion',
motion: 'moveByLines',
motionArgs: { forward: false, linewise: true },
const vimMoveDown = handleVimCommand({
keys: 'j',
type: 'motion',
motion: 'moveByLines',
motionArgs: { forward: true, linewise: true },
* @description custom command definitions
* @note if a command requires arguments, eg. core:open-note,
* then we have to invoke it programmatically and assign it to a separate command instead
* @example
* inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'core:open-note', {
* noteId: 'note:uugSvPq5r',
* });
inkdrop.commands.add(document.body, 'vim:5-move-down', () => {
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
inkdrop.commands.add(document.body, 'vim:5-move-up', () => {
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
but that also stopped working.
and some of my init.js made the new app crash, specifically this part that I needed to comment:
// sample motion added to vim plugin
// CodeMirror.Vim.defineMotion(
// 'updated-moveByCharacters',
// function (_cm, head, motionArgs) {
// const cur = head;
// const repeat = motionArgs.repeat;
// const ch = motionArgs.forward ? cur.ch + repeat : cur.ch - repeat;
// return Pos(cur.line, ch);
// }
// );
// // added command line commands
// CodeMirror.Vim.defineEx('filter', 'f', (_cm, event) => {
// inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'core:find');
// if (event.argString)
// inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'core:filter-notes', {
// keyword: event.argString.trim(),
// });
// });
// CodeMirror.Vim.defineEx('find', 'fi', (_cm, event) => {
// inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'core:find-global');
// if (event.argString)
// inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'core:search-notes', {
// keyword: event.argString.trim(),
// });
// });
here’s my whole init.js
// plugin command implementations: https://github.com/inkdropapp/inkdrop-vim/blob/5b1c63ecae1081cf33327e36731d8c3399a64af1/src/vim.js
// vim API implementation: https://github.com/inkdropapp/inkdrop-vim/blob/5b1c63ecae1081cf33327e36731d8c3399a64af1/src/keymap.js
// inkdrop add command documentation: https://docs.inkdrop.app/manual/the-init-file
// inkdrop defineEx documentation: https://github.com/inkdropapp/inkdrop-vim/blob/master/README.md#define-custom-ex-commands
// inkdrop API documentation: https://docs.inkdrop.app/manual/list-of-commands#coresidebar-focus
inkdrop.onEditorLoad((editor) => {
const CodeMirror = require('codemirror');
const { shell } = require('electron');
const Pos = CodeMirror.Pos;
const { cm } = editor;
// sample motion added to vim plugin
// CodeMirror.Vim.defineMotion(
// 'updated-moveByCharacters',
// function (_cm, head, motionArgs) {
// const cur = head;
// const repeat = motionArgs.repeat;
// const ch = motionArgs.forward ? cur.ch + repeat : cur.ch - repeat;
// return Pos(cur.line, ch);
// }
// );
// // added command line commands
// CodeMirror.Vim.defineEx('filter', 'f', (_cm, event) => {
// inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'core:find');
// if (event.argString)
// inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'core:filter-notes', {
// keyword: event.argString.trim(),
// });
// });
// CodeMirror.Vim.defineEx('find', 'fi', (_cm, event) => {
// inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'core:find-global');
// if (event.argString)
// inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'core:search-notes', {
// keyword: event.argString.trim(),
// });
// });
const handleVimCommand = (command) => {
const _vim = CodeMirror.Vim;
return () => {
const vim = _vim.maybeInitVimState(cm);
return cm.operation(() => {
cm.curOp.isVimOp = true;
try {
_vim.commandDispatcher.processCommand(cm, vim, command);
} catch (e) {
// clear VIM state in case it's in a bad state.
cm.state.vim = undefined;
throw e;
return true;
const vimMoveUp = handleVimCommand({
keys: 'k',
type: 'motion',
motion: 'moveByLines',
motionArgs: { forward: false, linewise: true },
const vimMoveDown = handleVimCommand({
keys: 'j',
type: 'motion',
motion: 'moveByLines',
motionArgs: { forward: true, linewise: true },
* @description custom command definitions
* @note if a command requires arguments, eg. core:open-note,
* then we have to invoke it programmatically and assign it to a separate command instead
* @example
* inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'core:open-note', {
* noteId: 'note:uugSvPq5r',
* });
inkdrop.commands.add(document.body, 'vim:5-move-down', () => {
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
inkdrop.commands.add(document.body, 'vim:5-move-up', () => {
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
inkdrop.commands.add(document.body, 'focus-next-search', () => {
inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'core:focus-note-list-bar');
inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'core:open-next-note');
inkdrop.commands.add(document.body, 'unset', () => {});
inkdrop.commands.add(document.body, 'logger', () => {
// use for debugging
const state = inkdrop.store.getState();
console.log({ state, isSidebarVisible: state.mainLayout.sidebarVisible });
inkdrop.commands.add(document.body, 'focus-sidebar', () => {
const state = inkdrop.store.getState();
const isSidebarVisible = state.mainLayout.sidebarVisible;
if (isSidebarVisible) {
inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'core:sidebar-focus');
} else {
inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'view:toggle-sidebar');
inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'core:sidebar-focus');
inkdrop.commands.add(document.body, 'toggle-sidebar-focus-editor', () => {
inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'view:toggle-sidebar');
inkdrop.commands.dispatch(document.body, 'editor:focus');
inkdrop.commands.add(document.body, 'open-keymap-cson', () => {
// Open a local file in the default app
shell.openExternal('file://' + __dirname + '/keymap.cson');
inkdrop.commands.add(document.body, 'open-init-js', () => {
// Open a local file in the default app
shell.openExternal('file://' + __dirname + '/init.js');
// relative line setup
function showRelativeLines(cm) {
const lineNum = cm.getCursor().line + 1;
if (cm.state.curLineNum === lineNum) {
cm.state.curLineNum = lineNum;
cm.setOption('lineNumberFormatter', (l) =>
l === lineNum ? lineNum : Math.abs(lineNum - l)
cm.on('cursorActivity', showRelativeLines);
* @description remove unwanted layouts
* (can also be done via config.cson's hiddenComponents setting)
* https://docs.inkdrop.app/manual/extending-the-ui
* https://docs.inkdrop.app/reference/state-layouts
// const { layouts } = inkdrop.store.getState();
// [...layouts['sidebar-workspace-menu']].forEach((element) => {
// inkdrop.layouts.removeComponentFromLayout(
// 'sidebar-workspace-menu',
// element
// );
// });
here’s my old keymap.cson that worked:
# useful example: https://gist.github.com/nuesslerm/ed19968c2326ea887052c6e5337e16fd
# public inkdrop API: https://docs.inkdrop.app/manual/list-of-commands
# vim keymap: https://github.com/inkdropapp/inkdrop-vim/blob/master/keymaps/vim.json
# medium article: https://blog.inkdrop.app/enabling-vim-keybindings-547f148b73b1
# github project: https://github.com/inkdropapp/inkdrop-vim
'.CodeMirror.vim-mode.insert-mode textarea':
'j j': 'vim:exit-insert-mode'
'j shift-J': 'vim:exit-insert-mode'
'shift-J shift-J': 'vim:exit-insert-mode'
'shift-J j': 'vim:exit-insert-mode'
'j k': 'vim:exit-insert-mode'
'j shift-K': 'vim:exit-insert-mode'
'shift-J shift-K': 'vim:exit-insert-mode'
'shift-J k': 'vim:exit-insert-mode'
'.CodeMirror.vim-mode.replace-mode textarea':
'j j': 'vim:exit-insert-mode'
'j shift-J': 'vim:exit-insert-mode'
'shift-J shift-J': 'vim:exit-insert-mode'
'shift-J j': 'vim:exit-insert-mode'
'j k': 'vim:exit-insert-mode'
'j shift-K': 'vim:exit-insert-mode'
'shift-J shift-K': 'vim:exit-insert-mode'
'shift-J k': 'vim:exit-insert-mode'
'.CodeMirror.vim-mode:not(.insert-mode):not(.key-buffering) textarea':
'shift-J': 'vim:5-move-down'
'shift-K': 'vim:5-move-up'
')': 'vim:move-to-next-paragraph'
'(': 'vim:move-to-previous-paragraph'
'.CodeMirror.vim-mode.normal-mode:not(.key-buffering):not(.visual-mode) textarea':
'u': 'vim:undo'
'shift-U': 'core:redo'
's k': 'editor:title:focus'
'space k': 'editor:title:focus'
'ctrl-a k': 'editor:title:focus'
's h': 'core:focus-note-list-bar'
'ctrl-a h': 'core:focus-note-list-bar'
'space p': 'switch-notebook:toggle'
'space f': 'switch-note:open'
'space e': 'core:find'
'space i': 'core:find-global'
'space o': 'core:find'
'ctrl-shift-N': 'toggle-sidebar-focus-editor'
'ctrl-e': 'focus-sidebar'
'ctrl-a j': 'editor:focus'
# this is where the notebooks live
's l': 'core:focus-note-list-bar'
'ctrl-a l': 'core:focus-note-list-bar'
'l': 'editor:focus'
'j': 'core:sidebar-select-next-item'
'k': 'core:sidebar-select-prev-item'
'space p': 'switch-notebook:toggle'
'space f': 'switch-note:open'
'space e': 'core:find'
'space i': 'core:find-global'
'space o': 'core:find'
'enter': 'logger' # doesn't work. why?
's l': 'core:focus-note-list-bar'
'l': 'core:focus-note-list-bar'
# this is the list of notes
's l': 'editor:focus'
's h': 'core:sidebar-focus'
'ctrl-a l': 'editor:focus'
'ctrl-a h': 'core:sidebar-focus'
'l': 'editor:focus'
'shift-L': 'editor:focus'
'space p': 'switch-notebook:toggle'
'space f': 'switch-note:open'
'space e': 'core:find'
'space i': 'core:find-global'
'space o': 'core:find'
'shift-K': 'core:open-prev-note'
'shift-J': 'core:open-next-note'
'space k': 'core:find'
'shift-J': 'core:focus-note-list-bar'
'enter': 'core:focus-note-list-bar'
'tab': 'core:focus-note-list-bar'
'down': 'logger' # doesn't work. why?
'cmd-f': 'core:find-global'
's h': 'core:focus-note-list-bar'
's k': 'editor:title:focus'
'space k': 'editor:title:focus'
'space p': 'switch-notebook:toggle'
'space f': 'switch-note:open'
'space e': 'core:find'
'space i': 'core:find-global'
'space o': 'core:find'
'/': 'preview-finder:open'
'n': 'preview-finder:next'
'N': 'preview-finder:prev'
'alt-1': 'logger'
'ctrl-cmd-m': 'core:move-to-notebook'
'alt-cmd-m': 'application:minimize'
'ctrl-n': 'editor:focus'
'ctrl-e': 'focus-sidebar'
'cmd-2': 'core:focus-note-list-bar'
'ctrl-alt-v': 'paste-url:paste-url'
'ctrl-alt-p': 'paste-url:paste-url'
'ctrl-shift-N': 'toggle-sidebar-focus-editor'
'cmd-f': 'core:find'
'ctrl-,': 'core:navigate-back'
'ctrl-.': 'core:navigate-forward'
'ctrl-a h': 'core:navigate-back'
'ctrl-a l': 'core:navigate-forward'
'ctrl-a r': 'window:reload'
'ctrl-a ,': 'open-keymap-cson'
'ctrl-a .': 'open-init-js'
# use custom unset command to unset external plugin keymaps
'cmd-k': 'unset'
'ctrl-k': 'unset'
'cmd-p': 'unset'
here’s my messed up keymap.json:
".CodeMirror.vim-mode.insert-mode textarea": {
"j j": "vim:exit-insert-mode",
"j shift-J": "vim:exit-insert-mode",
"shift-J shift-J": "vim:exit-insert-mode",
"shift-J j": "vim:exit-insert-mode",
"j k": "vim:exit-insert-mode",
"j shift-K": "vim:exit-insert-mode",
"shift-J shift-K": "vim:exit-insert-mode",
"shift-J k": "vim:exit-insert-mode"
".CodeMirror.vim-mode.replace-mode textarea": {
"j j": "vim:exit-insert-mode",
"j shift-J": "vim:exit-insert-mode",
"shift-J shift-J": "vim:exit-insert-mode",
"shift-J j": "vim:exit-insert-mode",
"j k": "vim:exit-insert-mode",
"j shift-K": "vim:exit-insert-mode",
"shift-J shift-K": "vim:exit-insert-mode",
"shift-J k": "vim:exit-insert-mode"
".CodeMirror.vim-mode:not(.insert-mode):not(.key-buffering) textarea": {
"shift-J": "vim:5-move-down",
"shift-K": "vim:5-move-up",
")": "vim:move-to-next-paragraph",
"(": "vim:move-to-previous-paragraph"
".CodeMirror.vim-mode.normal-mode:not(.key-buffering):not(.visual-mode) textarea": {
"u": "vim:undo",
"shift-U": "core:redo",
"s k": "editor:title:focus",
"space k": "editor:title:focus",
"ctrl-a k": "editor:title:focus",
"s h": "core:focus-note-list-bar",
"ctrl-a h": "core:focus-note-list-bar",
"space p": "switch-notebook:toggle",
"space f": "switch-note:open",
"space e": "core:find",
"space i": "core:find-global",
"space o": "core:find",
"ctrl-shift-N": "toggle-sidebar-focus-editor",
"ctrl-e": "focus-sidebar"
".editor-header-layout": {
"ctrl-a j": "editor:focus"
".sidebar-navigation": {
"s l": "core:focus-note-list-bar",
"ctrl-a l": "core:focus-note-list-bar",
"l": "editor:focus",
"j": "core:sidebar-select-next-item",
"k": "core:sidebar-select-prev-item",
"space p": "switch-notebook:toggle",
"space f": "switch-note:open",
"space e": "core:find",
"space i": "core:find-global",
"space o": "core:find",
"enter": "logger"
".sidebar-book-filter-menu": {
"s l": "core:focus-note-list-bar",
"l": "core:focus-note-list-bar"
".note-list-bar": {
"s l": "editor:focus",
"s h": "core:sidebar-focus",
"ctrl-a l": "editor:focus",
"ctrl-a h": "core:sidebar-focus",
"l": "editor:focus",
"shift-L": "editor:focus",
"space p": "switch-notebook:toggle",
"space f": "switch-note:open",
"space e": "core:find",
"space i": "core:find-global",
"space o": "core:find",
"shift-K": "core:open-prev-note",
"shift-J": "core:open-next-note",
"space k": "core:find"
".note-list-search-bar": {
"shift-J": "core:focus-note-list-bar",
"enter": "core:focus-note-list-bar",
"tab": "core:focus-note-list-bar",
"down": "logger",
"cmd-f": "core:find-global"
".mde-preview": {
"s h": "core:focus-note-list-bar",
"s k": "editor:title:focus",
"space k": "editor:title:focus",
"space p": "switch-notebook:toggle",
"space f": "switch-note:open",
"space e": "core:find",
"space i": "core:find-global",
"space o": "core:find",
"/": "preview-finder:open",
"n": "preview-finder:next",
"N": "preview-finder:prev"
"body": {
"alt-1": "logger",
"ctrl-cmd-m": "core:move-to-notebook",
"alt-cmd-m": "application:minimize",
"ctrl-n": "editor:focus",
"ctrl-e": "focus-sidebar",
"cmd-2": "core:focus-note-list-bar",
"ctrl-alt-v": "paste-url:paste-url",
"ctrl-alt-p": "paste-url:paste-url",
"ctrl-shift-N": "toggle-sidebar-focus-editor",
"cmd-f": "core:find",
"ctrl-,": "core:navigate-back",
"ctrl-.": "core:navigate-forward",
"ctrl-a h": "core:navigate-back",
"ctrl-a l": "core:navigate-forward",
"ctrl-a r": "window:reload",
"ctrl-a ,": "open-keymap-cson",
"ctrl-a .": "open-init-js",
"cmd-k": "unset",
"ctrl-k": "unset",
"cmd-p": "unset"
- Platform: macos
- Platform version: venture 13.5
- App Version: latest 5.6
How to reproduce
please post a link to an old version for now.