How to install a previous version

I want to install a previous version, where can I find it?
After upgrading to v5.6.0,Inkdrop no longer starts up.
My environment is Windows 11.

What is the problem? What kind of error do you get? Can you please fill the issue template?

* [ ] I have checked [the troubleshooting](

## Bug report

Write the description of the issue here.
If you got a problem, please check if you got any error in the console log by selecting the menu: `Developer -> Toggle Developer Tools`.

If you report an issue about a plugin, please check the author of the plugin:

* If it's a third-party plugin, report it on the GitHub Issue
* If it's an official plugin, report here
* Make sure you are using the latest version of the plugin. You can update it with `ipm update`.


### Environment <!-- DO NOT IGNORE -->

- Platform: <!-- macOS/Windows/Ubuntu/iOS/Android -->
- Platform version: <!-- Sonoma/11/20.04 -->
- App Version: <!-- Make sure you are using the LATEST version: -->

### How to reproduce

<!-- Write the steps for others to reproduce issue here. -->

This issue has been resolved. It seems that the antivirus software was interfering with the installation.

Looks like it’s related to this report: