Blank app after 4.3.0 update

I see a blank screen after starting inkdrop after the 4.3.0 update. I found the following in the developer tools console:

console-breadcrumbs.js:33 Error: Minified React error #130; visit[]=undefined&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. 
at ba (/Applications/
at x (/Applications/
at Ye (/Applications/
at /Applications/
at S (/Applications/
at Qg (/Applications/
at Og (/Applications/
at Tg (/Applications/
at bi (/Applications/
at ci (/Applications/
at Di (/Applications/
at Yh (/Applications/
at Xh (/Applications/
at Ah (/Applications/
at /Applications/
at flush (/Applications/
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:61)
console.(anonymous function) @ console-breadcrumbs.js:33

I ran ipm update in case that was the issue and saw:

ipm update
Package Updates Available (0)
└── (empty)


  • Platform: macOS
  • Platform version: Mojave 10.14.5
  • App Version: 4.3.0


I upgraded when prompted by inkdrop.

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Hi S,

Thank you for the report.
The app will restart automatically when finished updating.
I guess you have relaunched the app manually and too quickly.
So, the app shows a blank screen due to unfinished update.
Can you please try restarting the app?
If it still does not work, please download the app again from here:

I’ll add a message that you have to wait for a while during the update from the next version.
Sorry for the confusion and thanks again for the report!

I downloaded and re-installed the app. I am still seeing the blank page with this error:

/Applications/ Error: Minified React error #130; visit[]=undefined&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. 
at ba (/Applications/
at x (/Applications/
at Ye (/Applications/
at /Applications/
at S (/Applications/
at Qg (/Applications/
at Og (/Applications/
at Tg (/Applications/
at bi (/Applications/
at ci (/Applications/
at Di (/Applications/
at Yh (/Applications/
at Xh (/Applications/
at Ah (/Applications/
at /Applications/
at flush (/Applications/
at process._tickCallback (/Applications/
console.(anonymous function) @ /Applications/

Can you please try logging in again from the application menu?

I had to log out first, but logging our and back in from the application menu worked. Thank you!

Good to hear that. Thanks for letting me know!

I’m seeing exactly the same error. Logging out and in again fixes the problem, but only for that session. After a restart it’s back again.

I just closed the app and re-opened it. I am seeing the same, another blank screen.

That’s strange. I can see the error reports on Bugsnag.
It seems like the issue occurs only on macOS.
I’ll look into it.

I built a patch that fixes a suspect bug.
@Dan_Michael_Heggo, @S_M, can you please try it?

I’d like to know if it fixes the issue as well:

Please let me know if it works.

I have exactly the same problem on Windows 10 (1903). Reinstalling didn’t fix it but logging out then logging back in works for that single session only, a restart requires a logout / login again.

So not just MacOS.

Okay, I am building the patch for Windows.
I identified the cause of the problem.


Can you please try it?

Patch 2 for MacOS seems to have fixed the blank app issue for me. Thanks!

Thanks for letting me know, Zack!

Thanks - that seems to have fixed the blank screen issue. While it appears to be running fine, I did get the below in the console window when I started it:

[bugsnag] Loaded!
2019-08-05T16:37:29.032Z app:error error during auto update: Error: Can not find Squirrel
at AutoUpdater.emitError (C:\tmp\Inkdrop-4.3.0-Windows-patch-2\resources\electron.asar\browser\api\auto-updater\auto-updater-win.js:70:24)
at AutoUpdater.checkForUpdates (C:\tmp\Inkdrop-4.3.0-Windows-patch-2\resources\electron.asar\browser\api\auto-updater\auto-updater-win.js:41:19)
at e (C:\tmp\Inkdrop-4.3.0-Windows-patch-2\resources\app.asar\main.js:1:181467)
at C:\tmp\Inkdrop-4.3.0-Windows-patch-2\resources\app.asar\main.js:1:181552
at t.default (C:\tmp\Inkdrop-4.3.0-Windows-patch-2\resources\app.asar\main.js:1:181579)
at t.default.start (C:\tmp\Inkdrop-4.3.0-Windows-patch-2\resources\app.asar\main.js:1:61273)
at (C:\tmp\Inkdrop-4.3.0-Windows-patch-2\resources\app.asar\main.js:1:56370)
at App.emit (events.js:187:15)
at App.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:442:20)
at App.topLevelDomainCallback (domain.js:121:23)

That’s correct because the patched version is not installed via Squirrel which is the autoupdate module.
I’ll roll 4.3.1 out after a while, so please install it again.
Thanks for checking it out!

I will roll out 4.3.1 once I confirmed this patch works:

Could anyone try it? Thanks so much for your cooperation!
Let me sleep for a while now…

I had the same problem with version 4.3.0 on MacOS, and can confirm that your fix in verison 4.3.1 works for me.

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