Add a command for toggling inline code

I can see Inkdrop supports toggling strong, emphasis, etc.
Would you please consider supporting Toggle Code by Command + ` and Toggle Code Block by Command + Shift + ` ?

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Hi Jimmy,

You can customize the shortcuts for the commands:

The command you’d like to change is: core:insert-code-block

At the moment, a command for toggling an inline code block is not supported.
I’ll consider adding it in the future.

Hi @craftzdog. I don’t see it supported yet. Being a developer tool, inline code block is heavily used. Providing support for this natively would be very helpful

@Sachin_A Yeah, sure.

Landed in Inkdrop Desktop v5.9.0-beta.3 :tada:

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Now available in v5.9.0 officially :partying_face:

Hi @craftzdog. Thanks for implementing this so quick. I find this useful but there are some improvements I consider could be more in alignment with how Inkdrop works.

The toggle is happening only when the text is already selected. Often I knew in advance if the text is going to be within inline block. I would to like to have a behaviour similar to how cmd-b and cmd-i works for bold and italic. Pressing cmd- should insert two backticks and place the cursor in the middle of the backticks. Pressing them again would clear the backticks.

Hope my request is clear.

Cmd-` is already assigned for cycling focus through application windows on macOS by default, so we can’t use this key combination. I often use it.
In addition, I find pretty annoying the behavior of inserting two backticks when pressing ` in other editors, so I didn’t add it.

That said, I’m ok with adding a command for inserting two backticks. I wonder what key combination would fit it for on macOS.

I dont cycle through different application window and I mostly use apps with full screen where cmd-` dont work well. I believe adding a command for it would be helpful. Probably I will map toggling inline block to cmd-` since i dont use it for anything else.

Added a command argument selectionOnly, which allows you to disable the current behavior and force the command core:toggle-inline-code to toggle inline code block.
Built a patch:

How to use:

  1. Create a custom command
inkdrop.commands.add(document.body, "custom:toggle-inline-code", async () => {
  const el = document.querySelector('.CodeMirror textarea')
  inkdrop.commands.dispatch(el, 'core:toggle-inline-code', { selectionOnly: false })
  1. Add a custom keymap
  ".CodeMirror textarea": {
    "cmd-`": "custom:toggle-inline-code"

Note 1: You may have to disable the default system shortcut key for “Move focus to next window” to use the key combination Cmd-`.

Note 2: This is experimental and it may be changed in the future.

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Thanks again for such a quick solution !
It works as how I expected :smiley:

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