Vibrant Dark Theme becomes bright when closing preferences

Bug report

  • Vibrant Dark enabled

  • open preferences window

  • close preferences window

  • application becomes kinda light

  • when I open the preferences again, the main window becomes dark and normal again

  • when I close the preferences once again, it becomes light

before (normal)



  • Platform: macOS
  • Platform version: Sequoia latest stable
  • App Version: Version 5.9.0-beta.0 (5.9.0-beta.0)

Hi Marco,

Thanks for reporting. That looks weird as I can’t reproduce it in my environment (Sonoma 14.6.1).
Maybe it’s a Sequoia-specific issue since the app itself does nothing when closing preferences.
Are you on the system light mode on macOS?

ahh yes. This issue also happened in the previous macOS version I have to admit.

And indeed. When I switch to dark mode in macOS this issue does not appear.
OS specific theming in Inkdrop is disabled though.

my settings when this happens are:

  • macOS light mode
  • Inkdrop OS theming disabled
  • Vibrant Dark Theme chosen

Gotcha! The theme changes remote.nativeTheme.themeSource back to the default value when closing a window. It includes the Preferences window, that’s why it happens on the system light mode.

I fixed it in vibrant-dark-ui@v1.4.2. Can you please try it?

After the update the preferences window looked unstyled :slight_smile: (after re-opening it, it was fine)

Now it doesn’t change the colors after closing the window anymore - so this can be marked as solved :v:.

Thanks :slight_smile: I hit this issue quite often :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, it is terrible :joy: will fix it!

Thanks for checking it :partying_face:

@craftzdog the issue is fixed with the recent update (5.9.0-b1) for me.
When I close the preferences now, the main windows with the acrylic effect stays the same.

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Vibrant dark UI has been now deprecated as of v5.9.0. Please switch back to Default Dark UI.

Thanks again for the feedback!