I am not able to unzip the downloaded file for installing the app on mac.
Platform: macOS
Platform version: Sonoma 14.7 (23H124)
App Version: Inkdrop-5.8.1
How to reproduce
I login to the Inkdrop on the web and reach the https://my.inkdrop.app/ page. From here I simply download the macOS Zip Archive (Apple Silicon). Then in the Download folder of my mac I try to double click and unzip it but it fails with Error - 1. Then I try to unzip in the terminal and this is the error that I get :-
unzip Inkdrop-5.8.1-arm64-Mac.zip
Archive: Inkdrop-5.8.1-arm64-Mac.zip
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of Inkdrop-5.8.1-arm64-Mac.zip or
Inkdrop-5.8.1-arm64-Mac.zip.zip, and cannot find Inkdrop-5.8.1-arm64-Mac.zip.ZIP, period.````
Thanks for the information.
Your checksum is invalid, so the zip file seems to be broken.
You should try downloading it again from another browser or using the following command:
Thank you! Yes that could be the issue although not sure why. I am able to download and use the app on my other machine, it’s just this machine that it is not unzipping. I should mention that this computer is from work on which the problem occurs. Maybe there are some restrictions due to that.
But thank you for quick help.
We can close this issue.