Trying to integrate Inkdrop with Ulauncher

Hello! I am trying to integrate Inkdrop note searching into Ulauncher (Kind of like Alfred for Linux) via Ulauncher extension. Right now everything worked as expected. Except I cannot figure out a way to open the note when you press the enter key, it would be very useful for the user to be able to quickly jump to note from the Ulauncher. Note that Ulauncher use python for the extension. Is there a way I could make Inkdrop open specific notes from the python code? Thanks.


Hi Chanakan,

Thanks for the question. Wow, that looks amazing!
I believe that the package has x-scheme-handler/inkdrop, so you should be able to open a particular note via URI like inkdrop://note/<id> just like the Alfred workflow does:

Hope it works.

Hi! Thanks for the answer, seems like it worked! I installed inkdrop from a zip file so I need to modify desktop entry to have a mime type, like this:

and everything is working properly! Thanks for the response. The Ulauncher plugin is here if anyone would like to use it:

Thanks again!

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Wow cool! Thank you for creating it :star_struck:

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