Text expansion not working

Text expansion…

I appear to be experiencing an issue with expanding text snippets in InkDrop…

Using a text expander like TypeItForMe fails to expand any snippets.

Text expansion is essential for me to be able to use InkDrop.

I’ve been using TypeItForMe for over 15 years with out issue so I am wondering if I have changed a setting that prevents it from working in InkDrop…

Thanking you in advance.

Regards Sven

Hi Meerkat,

Thank you for the suggestion.
Inkdrop uses CodeMirror for implementing Markdown editor.
But It looks like it does not support text expanders like you use by design, unfortunately.
I’m afraid that it’s hard to change it.
Maybe CodeMirror 6 works with those apps well as it seems not to mess system input but the development is in-progress now.