Storing ALL notes in Inkdrop

So, I know that Takuya actually advises against this as it’s not the app’s main purpose, but, is anyone else using Inkdrop for ALL their notes, programming and otherwise? I’d really love a centralized location for all my notes, but when the app’s creator himself recommends against it, I don’t know if that’s more of a system stability thing or more of a “hey, you really shouldn’t clutter your coding notes/projects with unrelated material”.

Does anyone have thoughts on this? And if you’re using Inkdrop in conjunction with something else for your “regular” notes, what are you using?


I use Inkdrop for all of my notes, have had a bad experience when it comes to images so I do mostly just text, which isn’t much of an issue since I often work in the terminal and that just means that I can just copy and paste the text instead of doing screenshots.

Since I do a mix of programming and infosec studies, it doesn’t really become much different when it comes to data. I have a couple of lists and some cooking recipies, but do keep as much as possible in plain text.

I used to use Evernote, but since there’s no Linux client, then I migrated to Inkdrop with the only drawback of not being able to have images in the notes, which I’m not too torn about since I rarely need to have a screenshot stored.


@Nicole_Daniella what issue(s) did you run into with storing images in Inkdrop? I don’t have many, but the only issue I’ve come across so far is the inability to share images in notes because of the barrier with AWS.

The main issue I’ve had is with disappearing images, not sure if that was resolved or if it was an issue from my part, but since those first experiences I try to avoid having images in notes.
Did see the video of Takuya fixing an issue with the copying of images, so not sure if there has been other work on that side.

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I actually tend to use Inkdrop as the place for more structured intentional note taking — something between a knowledge base and a journal. For everything else: I use Cacher/gists for code snippet repos, quiver for web clipping (due to the excellent browser plug-ins), and microsoft to-do for task management.

Since I really like the editing experience on Inkdrop above all, I reserve it for quality over quantity and try to keep it lean rather than a monolithic index which other apps might be more well suited for as a primary use-case. It is sort of like sitting in your favorite chair smoking a pipe, and scribbling on your moleskin journal with a monte blanc pen :].