Scrolling speed and smoothness on iOS

On iPadOS, there isn’t the silky smooth feel to scrolling within a document. Everything feels like there’s friction. A quick swipe up or down provides very little travel and it just stops without the nice nuances of Apple’s scrolling effects.

Hi Fuzen,

Thank you for the report.
The note view is built on top of webview.
If you have a super long note, it may affect the scrolling performance.
It is hard to improve in terms of implementation.
I don’t see such issue on notes with regular length (< 1,000 lines) though.


I have to agree with fuzenco. On iOS as well as iPadOS the scrolling feel is nowhere near the native apple effect. It is obvious that it does not integrate “completely right” into the platform.
In more technical terms: not as silky smooth scrolling and too short travel distance.

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Correct and thanks for confirming. This isn’t a long doc issue, I see it for very short documents also. My guess is this is an Electron app? Even then, apps like Visual Studio Code with hundreds, sometimes thousands of lines, don’t behave like this.

Thank you for the report but I still don’t understand because saying just “it doesn’t work as you’d expect” doesn’t help investigate the issue.
Can you show me a video demonstrating it? And please tell me your device model and iOS/iPadOS version.

You are talking about the mobile version, and Electron is a framework for desktop apps.
The mobile version is built with React Native but the editor component is web-based.
As I wrote in the current roadmap vol.5, the editor component is planned to be rebuilt natively and I’d expect it’ll be solved in the new version.