Scrollbar broken on Linux

Scrollbar so thin on Linux that it doesn’t work at all.
This is not a new problem but has become increasingly frustrating.

See attached video.

Note scrollbar measures 5px (but doesn’t capture the mouse).
Chrome scrollbar measures 15px.



Hi Dav,

Thanks for the report. You can change the scrollbar width with a custom stylesheet like so:

:root {
  --scrollbar-width: 15px !important;

People use mouse wheels to scroll nowadays, so scrollbars are treated as indicators.
Actually, I’ve made them thin because of the suggestion by a user.

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The sidebar uses a different variable, so you might want this:

:root {
  --scrollbar-width: 15px !important;
  --sidebar-scrollbar-width: 15px !important;

I have to point out that I never noticed this on the Mac where scrolling with a trackpad is pretty good. But on my Linux laptop, the scrollwheel I have is cumbersome to use past a few screenfuls. I don’t think a very thin scrollbar is a good default, as this is breaking functionality for prospective users.

That’s because of the user request:

So, that’s a personal preference, depending on which pointer device is used.

It seems crazy to me to break the application for some people to tweak the cosmetics for others.

I’ve seen people do some painfully repetitive tasks with computers, entirely voluntarily, even grumpily refusing to do it a quicker way. (We’re talking rename hundreds of files repetitious.) So I’m not sure “personal preference” is a useful idea, as it captures some outright masochistic behavior.

To me, if I can’t use the scrollbar and I don’t have specific hardware that has good inertial scrolling, it’s broken. This is the same as my preference of a mouse and keyboard over a gamepad: I simply can’t play some games with a controller.

If it weren’t for this fix, I’d find the application unusable for any notes longer than a few screenfuls. That’s a bad default.