Proxy Problem when synchronizing notes

Bug report

When behind a Proxy, my Notes doesn’t get synced.
The Login via Proxy is working, but not the synchronize…
There is no error message


  • Platform: (Windows)
  • Platform version: (10)
  • App Version: (4.0.2)


      http_proxy: ""
      https_proxy: ""

Hi Christian,

Thank you for reporting it.
That’s weird. Maybe the proxy setting does not work in the app.
I’ll look into it.
As I’m on vacation right now, I will work on it after Jun 19!


v4 uses PouchDB@7.
And from v7, it starts depending on node-fetch and seems like it does not refer HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY.

A workaround would be something like:

var db = new PouchDB('url', {
  fetch: function (url, opts) {
    opts.agent = new HttpsProxyAgent(process.env.HTTP_PROXY);
    return PouchDB.fetch(url, opts);

@anon16806190, @anon23088773

Thanks for your patience. I’ve built a patch for this issue. Can you please try it?

If it still doesn’t work, please try running it from Command Prompt so that you can see some error logs.

@craftzdog @anon16806190
Thanks Takuya!
And Welcome back!

I tried the uploaded patch on command prompt But error occurred.

And I Logged out inkdrop. and I run patch then not error occurred.
but I logged in inkdrop and i run path then error occurred.

[bugsnag] Loaded!
2019-06-19T05:02:42.348Z app:error error during auto update: Error: Can not find Squirrel
    at AutoUpdater.emitError (C:\Users\y_ono\Downloads\Inkdrop-4.1.0-Windows-patch-1\resources\electron.asar\browser\api\auto-updater\auto-updater-win.js:70:24)
    at AutoUpdater.checkForUpdates (C:\Users\y_ono\Downloads\Inkdrop-4.1.0-Windows-patch-1\resources\electron.asar\browser\api\auto-updater\auto-updater-win.js:41:19)
    at e (C:\Users\y_ono\Downloads\Inkdrop-4.1.0-Windows-patch-1\resources\app.asar\main.js:1:176704)
    at C:\Users\y_ono\Downloads\Inkdrop-4.1.0-Windows-patch-1\resources\app.asar\main.js:1:176789
    at t.default (C:\Users\y_ono\Downloads\Inkdrop-4.1.0-Windows-patch-1\resources\app.asar\main.js:1:176816)
    at t.default.start (C:\Users\y_ono\Downloads\Inkdrop-4.1.0-Windows-patch-1\resources\app.asar\main.js:1:59801)
    at (C:\Users\y_ono\Downloads\Inkdrop-4.1.0-Windows-patch-1\resources\app.asar\main.js:1:55117)
    at App.emit (events.js:187:15)
    at App.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:442:20)
    at App.topLevelDomainCallback (domain.js:121:23)

2019-06-19T05:02:42.373Z app:error Failed to load local database: TypeError: Cannot set property 'fetch' of undefined
    at t.default.initDataSync (C:\Users\y_ono\Downloads\Inkdrop-4.1.0-Windows-patch-1\resources\app.asar\main.js:1:107692)
    at t.default.loadDatabaseAndSync (C:\Users\y_ono\Downloads\Inkdrop-4.1.0-Windows-patch-1\resources\app.asar\main.js:1:66378)

[bugsnag] Report failed to send窶ヲ
Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
    at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1161:14)
 { Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
    at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1161:14)

  errno: 'ETIMEDOUT',
  code: 'ETIMEDOUT',
  syscall: 'connect',
  address: '',
  port: 443 }

Thank you for checking it out!
Oops that’s my mistake. Hold on.

It should fix that problem:

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Thanks Takuya!

I tried pache. It’s working not problem!
I confirmed syncing!

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Cool! Thank you for letting me know :smiley:

Fixed in v4.1.0. Thanks for reporting!

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