Outline view plugin or official support

Hi there,

I have used a note editor before called Collate. I actually bought a lifetime licence for it, and I enjoyed using it while I had it. Unfortunately, the author stopped supporting the project.

One of the features I really liked was the outline mode.

Is it possible to develop a plugin to render such a view? The format of the outline in markdown is the following structure

title: April - June 2018
tags: []
type: outline
created: '2018-03-28T18:43:56.999Z'
modified: '2018-03-29T17:32:26.587Z'
  id: t2r2mwyug8d
  title: Home
    - id: 9u90ojnug4l
      title: Product screencasts
        - id: n1hff9rbgcs
          title: What has worked?
            - id: bz53cdmuszg
              title: Product demos on Zoom
                - id: jaj0zx3ke9
                  title: Setup org structure on teams
                  children: []
                  completed: false
                - id: 44o4k48ehse
                  title: Wak through setup process and use cases of each step.
                  children: []
                  completed: false
                - id: asv44l7jz9
                  title: Discuss the scenario of when each report is useful
                  children: []
                  completed: false
                - id: 9ksdz4cr568
                  title: Walked through answering the questions live
                  children: []
                  completed: false
                - id: bydr4n907b9
                  title: Show report summary email
                  children: []
                  completed: false
              completed: false

Hi viperfx,

Happy to help you make a plugin.
I believe yes, you can do that by a plugin.
The Markdown engine is based on Remark.
It has a similar plugin for supporting frontmatter: https://github.com/remarkjs/remark-frontmatter
You could hack it.
Hope that helps.

To people who are searching for outline view:
The community created a plugin that provides the exact feature:
