⌘+⇧+↑ or ↓ move the node?

I came to inkdrop from logseq, Tana and dynalist.
We are having a great experience, but there is one thing I don’t understand.
⌘+⇧+↑ or ↓ will select a range of items.

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • A

  • C

  • B
    Is there a smart way to move to

Sorry for being a beginner, but thank you in advance.

Hi @anon57240755,

I assume you want to move lines back and forth in a note.
This behavior can be added by plugins.

The “sublime” plugin can give you exactly this functionality. This plugin also gives you other Sublime Editor features.
You can also get this functionality with the “line-mover” plugin.

Have a look at the two plugins. See which one provides the functionality you are looking for.

More information about plugins can be found here. There is a guide on how to install and configure plugins.

Feel free to contact us again if you have further questions.


This is exactly what I was looking for!
Thank you so much!