Minor issue in vim plugin



  • Platform: macOS
  • Platform version: 12.0.1
  • App Version: 5.4.3


Thank you for serving nice application. Inkdrop helps my everyday life.
I use vim plugin (2.1.7) on Inkdrop.
To fill in all check boxes in the following, I replace all spaces by x using following commands in normal mode:
CTRL+v -> select spaces in the brackets -> r -> x.

- [ ] hoge
- [ ] hoge
- [ ] hoge


- [x] hoge
- [x] hoge
- [x] hoge

However, in Inkdrop, this command removes space in the brackets.
I tried this command on NVIM v0.5.1 and it replaces space by x.
If you reproduce this problem, could you modify it?

Hi Kazuhiro,

Thanks for reporting it.
I’ve fixed it in v2.1.9. Could you try it?

I confirmed it works well. Thanks!

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