Linux synchronization changed?

Wondering if something changed in the way synchronization works on Ubuntu, have noticed recently that my Ubuntu laptop no longer syncs automatically with my Ubuntu desktop.

Feature request: a way to debug this, ie to know which device last synced successfully.

Ubuntu 18.0.4
No proxy

Hi Dav,

That’s weird.
In v5.0.0, an event that triggers sync has been added, which is when your computer gets unlocked.
But I guess it does nothing to do with your issue.
You can check the last synced date time from sidebar, displaying like: “Synced at 14:12:50”.
Let me know if you found how to reproduce it.

I haven’t tried to reproduce it (because it’s a pain to merge unsynchronized notes, without any way to diff).

Instead I always “save” and “synchronize” when I’m switching machines.