Learning: Is there a better way to make parent notebooks distinctive?

Hey everyone,

First of all, a wonderful app and it has been of significant help to me the past year.
Now that I have saved quite a few notebooks, I was wondering if I can ease navigation by making the parent notebooks distinctive. For example with a heavier font weight or different color. In this case Main Notebook


Looking at the elements, I found it difficult to target as each unit are not childs but with a different padding-left (14px vs 32, 50 or 68). Furthermore, I only wanted to target my “actual” notebooks, and not other navigation items such as the ‘All Notes’ or ‘Trash’ section. Ultimately I ended up with below. It works, but I have the strong feeling that I made it much more complex than required. I’m a avid learner, and hopefully someone can guide me into a handier direction. Thanks in advance!

.sidebar-menu-item.selectable[style="padding-left: 14px;"]:not(.sidebar-menu-section-notebooks):not(.sidebar-menu-item-all-notes):not(.sidebar-menu-trash-list-item) {
    font-weight: 700;


Hi @anon99223749,

It looks like you are already on a good path with your selector.
I also don’t know any other way to detect the root notebook than using the style property “padding-left: 14px”.

You could simplify the selector a bit by not manually sorting out the not “real” notebooks from the result, but directly using the selector to detect only the “real” notebooks.

.sidebar-menu-book-list-item[style="padding-left: 14px;"] {
    font-weight: 700;

This selector currently has one drawback. If you now go to the detailed view of a notebook, the notebooks on the highest level will also be highlighted there, even though this is not really a root notebook.
To prevent this, you could modify the selector slightly.

.sidebar-menu > .sidebar-menu-book-list-item[style="padding-left: 14px;"] {
    font-weight: 700;
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