Jump to Top and Window title

I’m listing here two features

Jump to the Top button/hover button
As the document gets longer and longer, it would be great if we have a button to jump to the top of the document where the toc is there to navigate between the heading instead of keep scrolling-up or pressing page up on the keyboard.

Window title
I open documents in separate windows and as I switch between windows (Ctrl+Tab), It shows “Inkdrop (2), Inkdrop <3>”.
Instead, we can change the window title dynamically to be “Inkdrop - first heading” so it will be much easier to know what each window has.

Thank you!

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Hi King,

Thank you for the suggestion.

Jump to the Top button/hover button

This would be nice to have as a plugin.
You can add a button to the UI.

Window title

That makes sense. It would be good to show editing note title in the window title.

Thanks again for letting me know your thoughts!

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Thank you @craftzdog for your response
I will try to follow the documentation, although I’m terrible in UI :frowning: