Insert blank line button

In the note taking UI I think an “Insert Blank Line” button might be a helpful/useful feature.

The button would insert <p>&nbsp;</p> on the cursor’s current line if the line is blank or if the cursor is on a line with text, it could insert <p>&nbsp;</p> on the next line below.

The button could be placed next to the “Insert Horizontal Line” button. I think that seems like an intuitive location.

The hotkey for the button could also be CTRL-Space or CTRL-Shift-Space.

Just a suggestion/idea. Thanks Takuya. Also, would like to say, I really enjoy the direction and editing style your YouTube videos are heading towards.

Hi Bradley,

Thanks for the suggestion.
To insert line breaks, you can just insert two spaces or \ at the end of the lines. You don’t need that HTML to do that.

CommonMark specification:


I haven’t tried them, but there is also plugins such as easy-linefeed available to support this double space insertion action with a shortcut similar to what was mentioned.

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Awesome. Bookmarking the cheatsheet. Using two spaces or \ doesn’t seem to work in all cases like in between bullet points however it makes sense that bullets should be kept close together.

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