Inkdrop for novelist

Hi. I am an Italian writer.
Sorry for my bad English.
I’d like some features in next Inkdrop releases.

  1. Export to .docx, .rtf, .mobi, .epub
  2. Possibility to change sub-notebooks order in an existent notebook (manually)
  3. I need of a proprietary extension file (like this <>) to send and receive my entire draft book to an external collaborator that has Inkdrop too, keeping the original hyerarchical chapters organization.
  4. Flag. Tag is very useful but doesn’t bring me on a specific book area. So I’d like flag feature: simply push on the flag (previously created) and fast bring me on a specific text line.

Hi Stefano,

Thank you for the suggestions.
It’s awesome that Inkdrop is used by a novelist.
However, basically it is made for developers like me.
I feel like improving only features that I would use in order to keep the app simple, clean and stable.
So, I’m afraid that your suggestions are kind of out of scope for Inkdrop. Sorry.

Here are the answers:

  1. No. Please export notes as HTML and convert it to a format you need.
  2. No. Please keep your notebooks clean and simple so that you don’t need to care about the notebook order.
  3. No. Inkdrop only supports Markdown and some image formats. Other file formats like .ink or PDF will never be supported.
  4. There is a code-fold plugin that allows you to collapse sections so that you can find a section to edit quickly.

Thanks again for the suggestions!

  1. Flag. Tag is very useful but doesn’t bring me on a specific book area. So I’d like flag feature: simply push on the flag (previously created) and fast bring me on a specific text line.

How about trying this plugin?


@Stefano_Lazzari You can simply rename you notebooks to A - Name B - Name and so on. That is how I keep things organized.