Hi, there
I’m using my emacs-keybindings plugin.
This plugin binds ctrl-k to emacs-mode:kill-line command and it used to work well.
But from a certain inkdrop version, the command has been executed with some delay.
This is probably due to default key bindings which have multi-keystroke commands like ‘ctrl+k left’.
So I added following settings to my keymap.cson, but they changed nothing.
'.CodeMirror textarea':
'ctrl-k left': false
'ctrl-k up': false
'ctrl-k left': false
'ctrl-k up': false
'ctrl-k right': false
'ctrl-k right': false
'ctrl-k right': false
'ctrl-k left': false
I want to execute the command immediately.
How can I disable multi-keystroke keybiindings completely?