Handling of links in shared notes


I really like the new web app for shared notes. I’ve taken this as an opportunity to try out a few ways to share my notes more easily.

It would be great if Inkdrop internal note links (e.g. inkdrop://note/xxxxxxxx) were rewritten to the appropriate shared link when the note is accessed via the web app.

<!-- i could use a normal link in the inkdrop app -->
[Some note](inkdrop://note/vYMGWVePe)
< !--
and in the web app this would automatically be converted into the corresponding link
it would probably also be fine if a page was displayed that the opened note is not shared (as is the case now)
[Some note](https://community.inkdrop.app/<my-user-id>/vYMGWVePe)

With this rewriting of the links, it would be possible to use the links in both the app and the web app, as otherwise the link would leave the current environment and redirect to the defined environment (app or web app)

Hi Lukas,

Yeah, this is actually a good suggestion.
I first thought it was good to leave the internal links as they are because you can open them up on the app from the browser.
But shared notes are meant to be shared, so viewers are likely not the author him/herself, so, your suggestion would make more sense.

Landed :flight_arrival::tada:


Updated the docs: