Footnote plugin?

A last question:

Is there a plugin which adds footnote support? (I tried ipm search footnote, ipm search multimarkdown and ipm search pandoc but didn’t get any results.)

Footnote is currently not supported out of the box because it is not compatible with CommonMark.
You can extend the markdown renderer to support it by creating a plugin using the following API:


Looking at the doco it seems possible to add footnote support just via an option to remark. :slight_smile:

Yeah, you don’t even have to create a plugin. You can use the init file to change the remark option to enable footnote:

Landed :tada::

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Wow, that’s super cool. Works like a charm.

And an impressive response time, too. :smile:

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This is super cool @craftzdog. Thank you

Glad to hear you like it, Erdem!