Exporting note to Markdown does NOT contain metadata (Windows)

Hello everyone!

I have looked for an answer online before creating this topis and it looks like Inkdrop does not export ANY metadata when I export all notes or any notes. I opened the export .md file in a text editor and all I see is the Markdown tags. I expect something like this at the top:

title: Authentic karaage recipe from Fukuoka
created: 2024-11-29 15:30:27
modified: 2024-11-29 15:30:27
  - example
  - metadata

But nothing is exported. is this a Windows Inkdrop client issue? I know Takuya-san develops in macOS.

Thank you!

That’s not a Windows problem. It is currently not possible to export notes as Markdown files with the metadata embedded as YAML frontmatter.

However, this can be done with an external tool like live-export. This is also mentioned in this issue. Tags in YAML? · Issue #3 · inkdropapp/inkdrop-export-as-markdown · GitHub

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