Dynamic Content within a Note?

Hello Everyone.

Happy New Year! New Inkdrop user here. Super impressed and excited to have found this tool and its community!!! :pray:t3:

I have a simple question as someone with experience using Joplin. I’m wondering if there’s a plugin that allows for dynamic note content. For example, is it possible to embed a search query in a note, something that looks kind of like this:

    tag:"Daily Journal"

This would search the current notebook for any notes tagged “Daily Journal” and dynamically list their titles (in ascending order) in the note itself. The above syntax comes from Embed Search plugin for Joplin.

My question: Is something like this possible and/or available in Inkdrop?

I’m thinking TimeBomb’s Runjs plugin may allow something like this but I’m not 100% sure what this might look like.

Thanks in advance for any guidance you might have,

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the question.
I believe that there is no plugin that accomplishes that feature at the moment.
But it’s possible to implement by defining a custom codeblock like sequence-diagrams plugin.
In your custom codeblock, you can search notes based on query by using the database API DBUtils#search:

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Thank you, @craftzdog. This is an intriguing option I will definitely be exploring. I think dynamic note content is valuable in a note-taking app, so I appreciate you taking the time to point me in the right direction.

Cool! Looking forward to seeing a plugin :slight_smile:

Hi @anon40771787!
Are you currently still working on this plugin? If not, I would start developing it, because I am currently looking for a search plugin.

Hi @Lukas. Thanks for checking in on this. I just got too busy and decided not pursue this plugin. Please run with the idea. It will be a great addition to the community!