Checkboxes collide with following line in preview

Bug report

When you use checkboxes and not fill something immidiately behind it on the same line, for example a line with just a textbox, then the text that is suppose to be on the next line in merged with the checkbox line in the preview.

An example of this can be seen on the screenshot below, this also happens with titles.


  • Platform: Windows
  • Platform version: 10
  • App Version: 5.3.1


  1. Put a checkbox on a line
  2. Don’t write anything on that line or the line immidiately below
  3. Write something on the next line

Hi Magnus,

Thanks for the report.
Yeah, it’s actually an invalid Markdown syntax but the issue could be avoided with CSS.
I’ll fix it in the next release. As a workaround, add the following CSS in your styles.less for now:

.mde-preview li.task-list-item {
  min-height: 1rem;

Let me know if it caused side effects!

Seems to be working with no apparent side effects, thank you!

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landed in v5.4.0:tada: Thanks again for the report!