Change export style


Working with Android, iOS and Windows 10.


The first markdown editor I used was Ulysses (at that time I used exclusively apple products). Now that I use different OS and switched to Inkdrop. The thing I really, really miss here is the function to change the export layout. For example the styling of exported .pdf or .html.
In the docs I just found information on changing the layout of the inkdrop program itself, not the export options. Can anyone help me with that? Is there a way to create own “export themes”, like the .ulstyle files by ulysses? Thanks for your help!

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for the question.
You can specify styles for printing and pdf by writing styles.less like so:

@media print {
  .mde-preview {
    color: red !important;

For HTML exports, you have to edit the output HTML file directly to change the style.
Hope that helps.