Can't find Math plugin when typing fast

Bug report

In the search dialog for plugins, if I type fast and search for instance for math nothing is found, only the list is displayed.

If I type slower having ms of pause between keystrokes, it finds the plugin. See the gif.

CleanShot 2024-08-09 at 08.22.49


  • Platform: macOS and Windows
  • Platform version: Sonoma 14.5 / Windows 11
  • App Version:5.8.1

How to reproduce

Type as fast as you can math and it will now show the plugin in the list
Type with a pause between each letter and it will be found

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Hi Dariusz,

Sorry for the delay and thanks for reporting.
You are right, it is a bug, where the past requests should be canceled properly.
It will be fixed in the next version!

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It has been fixed in v5.9.0.