Cannot save changes to the automatically toggle light / dark themes

Bug report

I am unable to change the setting for “automatically toggle the default light/dark themes based on system preferences”

The checkbox toggles but would not save, simply selecting a different section in the settings window sidebar makes the checkbox go back to being checked.

Upon further investigation I believe this might be a display error because I do see changes to the config.cson file. However it makes it unclear whether the setting is really on or off in the UI without checking the cson file manually.


  • Platform: macOS
  • Platform version: Ventura 13.2.1 (Apple Silicon)
  • App Version: 5.5.3

How to reproduce

  • Open preferences
  • Navigate to the Themes tab
  • Uncheck “automatically toggle the default light/dark themes based on system preferences”
  • Either close / reopen the settings window or navigate to another tab on the settings window and return to themes

Expected: the setting remains off (unchecked) if it was turned off
Actual: the setting appears be back on (checked)

CleanShot 2023-03-26 at 16.27.57

Video showing the changes to the config.cson

Hi Dorian,

Thanks for the detailed report. That was so helpful to reproduce.
It will be fixed in the next release!

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