Bullet points do not insert automatically on mobile | 🐞

Bug report

As on the desktop, bullet points insert after each other, This behavior was expected by me in the mobile version of inkdrop, and this is not the case, The steps to reproduce exactly describe my issue and I hope this might be fixed as fast as possible as this behavior might be expected by the majority.


  • Platform: Android
  • Platform version: Oppo ColorOS 7.1
  • App Version: Latest (v4.2.4)

How to reproduce

  1. Open a new note
  2. Insert a bullet point from the toolbar above the keyboard
  3. (Optional) Type Text
  4. Press enter

Expected: A new bullet point to be inserted
Got: A blank line

I really hope this is fixed soon! Thank you :open_hands:

Hi Rithul,

Thanks for the report.
Oops, that looks like a regression in the last update!

It turns out that it’s due to the Gboard’s breaking change.
It no longer emits events for soft return key, unfortunately.
Interestingly, it works fine with the Japanese keyboard.
So, I guess it’s impossible to fix that with the current implementation.

But I’m currently working on a new native-based editor and the issue should be fixed with it:


Hey @craftzdog does this issue refer to the one seen in the attached gif? If so how could we get the bulleted list instead of a empty line?

Version: 4.2.4 (Android)

I’m working on the new editor. Please wait for it.

That’s amazing. I see that the inkdrop’s source code is open source. Which repo should i keep an eye on for the updates? :slight_smile:

Also are you sharing the progress anywhere? I couldn’t find it in your website? BTW your content is so dope :boom:

You can check the progress here (paid users only): https://forum.inkdrop.app/t/progress-report-on-building-native-markdown-editors-for-ios-and-android/
The core features are not open-sourced.

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