Bug: Selecting and Moving text in the same note

Bug report

When highlighting text and trying to drag it to another line, the app pops up with an error.


  • Platform: macOS
  • Platform version: High Sierra 10.13.1
  • App Version: 3.11.0


Highlight some text (formatting doesn’t matter), then click and drag that text to another line in the note.

Error Log

Error: No image specified.
    at file:///Applications/Inkdrop.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/browser-main.js:1:10910
    at Object.u [as insertImage] (file:///Applications/Inkdrop.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/browser-main.js:1:167211)
    at l.handleFileDrop (file:///Applications/Inkdrop.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/browser-main.js:1:323125)
    at signal (/Applications/Inkdrop.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js:1154:59)
    at signalDOMEvent (/Applications/Inkdrop.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js:1163:3)
    at CodeMirror$1.onDrop (/Applications/Inkdrop.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js:6419:7)
    at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (/Applications/Inkdrop.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js:3847:20)


Thanks for reporting.
Confirmed that and currently it won’t let you d&d text in the editor because the event handler only accepts images.
It’s a bug and can be fixed.

Moving text by D&D in the editor is now supported as of v3.14.0.
Thanks for reporting!