Astro template is outdated?

Hello Takuya San,

I am reaching out regarding using

your project on Uses, which I have forked from your repository and connected to Inkdrop / inkdrop-live-export following the provided instructions.

After running the command “npx update-browserslist-db@latest,” I am running into the following issue. Can this be fixed/updated on my side or yours? I can uninstall these updates; but what are your thoughts on this?

Warning: ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticNodeStream() is deprecated. Use ReactDOMServer.renderToPipeableStream() and wait to pipe until the onAllReady callback has been called instead.

Hi @Raivis_Gereiss ,

Thanks for letting me know.
I’ve bumped up Astro and other tools on my repo.
It doesn’t get such an error with it.
Can you try it?

Hello Takuya-san,

I’m not entirely sure what I need to do. I come from a QA background and am just beginning to learn about development. I had a busy day today, but I will try again tomorrow.

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I’ve had no luck syncing the changes from your latest updates with my forked version from about two years ago. Due to my lack of experience, I feel like I messed things up by using Git incorrectly.

If you can reproduce the issue on my repository without any changes, that could be a bug.
Perhaps, caniuse-lite broke your sub-dependency tree but I’m not sure.
Maybe you can start over the project.
Let me mark this topic as solved.

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There were no issues on your end; everything is up to date. After a chaotic series of terminal commands, I finally sorted things out. Thanks for your support as always.

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good to hear that!

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