Android navigation suggestion

I’ve been really enjoying the Android app so far, but I have found myself trying to use the back navigation (read back button) to try open the note drawer, a feature that to me seems to be pretty common for other apps that also heavily relies on a side drawer such as discord.

It would be really neat to have an option to toggle the back navigation to open the drawer when on the lists of notes screen, that way you can use back navigation to exit the note and twice to quickly find and select a new notebook.


Hi Magnus,

Thank you for the suggestion.
That sounds neat.
I’ll check out Discord and how it works!


In the meantime I happen to have found another app which I think have a better implementation of the aforementioned behavior. Slide for Reddit has a toggle for what the back button does and it can be found in the settings by searching “back button behavior” and then the “open drawer” behavior. I think trying out this behavior and maybe some of the other options could be useful to see if something similar would be good for Inkdrop.

The problem is that you can’t close the app with the back button. It’s a bug of react-navigation that I reported above.
The drawer (sidebar) always gets closed instead of closing the app when pressing the back button.
It should be able to be disabled with the option backBehavior.