Acrylic translucent theme looks so light on mac os

Bug report

Vibrant Dark UI looks so light, how to fix this ? It looks not like screen in plugin description.
I cant choose dark theme. And i cant uncheck system theme toggle.


  • Platform: macOS
  • Platform version: Sonoma 14.0
  • App Version: 5.5.3

How to reproduce

  1. Open app
  2. Install theme Vibrant Dark UI
  3. Check Enable acrylic translucent

Have you switched the OS theme to Dark mode?

Yes its work, but i confused when theme has name Vibrant Dark UI. Can you add some settings for transparent ? I use iTerm2 and it have this setting. It can be look more beautiful. Example near.

No, it is not possible to provide options for changing background transparency on Electron like iTerm2.