Unable to launch inkdrop

Bug report


I’ve been using InkDrop for a couple years now with no issue and suddenly it doesn’t want to load anymore. I was forced to upgrade to Monterey and this may have been the source of the issue.

Here is the brief logging I get:

[bugsnag] Loaded!
  app:info Initializing inkdrop app.. +0ms
  app:info Arguments: /Applications/Inkdrop.app/Contents/MacOS/Inkdrop +6ms
  app:info Arguments: --enable-logging +1ms
  app:info Starting inkdrop app.. +199ms
  app:info axios default config: { proxy: false, httpAgent: undefined, httpsAgent: undefined } +255ms
  app:info Starting a session +315ms
[13163:0614/082334.262699:INFO:CONSOLE(45199)] "[bugsnag] Loaded!", source: <embedded> (45199)
[13163:0614/082334.579058:INFO:CONSOLE(44142)] "The vm module of Node.js is deprecated in the renderer process and will be removed.", source: <embedded> (44142)
[13163:0614/082337.366026:INFO:CONSOLE(113)] "%capp:error %cNotification:%c +0ms color: #3300FF color: inherit color: #3300FF Failed to activate the drawio package [object Object]", source: /Applications/Inkdrop.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/debug/src/common.js (113)
[13163:0614/082337.366172:INFO:CONSOLE(113)] "%capp:error %cCannot read properties of undefined (reading 'ipcMain')%c +3ms color: #3300FF color: inherit color: #3300FF", source: /Applications/Inkdrop.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/debug/src/common.js (113)
[13163:0614/082337.370738:INFO:CONSOLE(44142)] "'mermaid.themeCSS' could not set the default. Attempted default: undefined; Schema: {"title":"Custom theme CSS","type":"string","description":"Example: text { font-size: 30px !important; }"}", source: <embedded> (44142)
[13163:0614/082338.118554:INFO:CONSOLE(44142)] "Error: Minified React error #188; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=188 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.", source: <embedded> (44142)
[13163:0614/082338.124699:INFO:CONSOLE(44142)] "Error: Minified React error #188; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=188 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.", source: <embedded> (44142)
[13163:0614/082338.626639:INFO:CONSOLE(121)] "Uncaught (in promise) Error: Cannot find module ''
Require stack:
- /Users/jkary/Library/Application Support/inkdrop/packages/move-notes/lib/inkdrop-move-notes.js
- /Applications/Inkdrop.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/index.html", source: /Users/jkary/Library/Application Support/inkdrop/packages/move-notes/lib/inkdrop-move-notes.js (121)
[13163:0614/082338.955159:INFO:CONSOLE(44142)] "No note is found in _Templates notebook or any note with Template tag.", source: <embedded> (44142)


  • Platform: Mac M1
  • Platform version: Monterey 12.4
  • App Version: 5.5.1

How to reproduce

This happens every time I start the app.

Hi Jason,

Thanks for the report.
Looks like there are errors by some plugins as you can see in the error logs.
Can you please uninstall them?
You can simply remove the folders in /Users/jkary/Library/Application Support/inkdrop/packages/*.
Hope that helps.

Perfect! That worked. Thank you.

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