Live-export not updating in real time

Ok I will try again and send you the log here in a moment.

Thanks for sending me the log.
I could see there were logs indicating that live-export properly detected changes on the note with title “HTML…my very first failure”:

  inkdrop:export:debug callApi: /_changes { since: 102, include_docs: true } response: {
    "results": [
            "id": "note:SmKOd_wq2",
            "changes": [
                    "rev": "29-ac371e96f48e4c2bf25c2d9363de97b7"
            "doc": {
                "doctype": "markdown",
                "title": " very first failure",
                "body": "---\ndescription: \"May 11, 2023\"\nslug: blog-post2\npublic: true\n---\n\n![thumbnail](inkdrop://file:s6J31IjwD)\n\n\n\n\nWelcome back, \n\nWhere we left off I gave you a glimpse into how I got to where I am now with programming. The journey had a lot of bumps in the road, there were also times where I pushed it aside to where I tried to ignore it believing it wasn't something I was remotely interested in. \n\nBoy was I wrong...\n\nBut lets just go back a few hundred pages and go to when I started really wanting to use HTML, and it was after I got my own very first computer back in 2005. It was a white tower, sold to me from a friend that I went to computer tech school with. I don't recall the overall specs to it, but I originally got it so I could play all of my favorite MMORPGS at the time, one of them being The Matrix Online, which is not relevant to this story..ish. It's only relevant enough to know that somehow while playing that game I got motivation and inspiration to want to learn coding. \n\nMost people at that time, acted like I needed to get some kind of degree all the way in Toronto to get into making websites, but I found lots of resources online and tried to get into reading some books from our local library. Now my first attempt at making a site ended up in frustraton, the website was something my 11 year old could have done better even at that time. I spent hours trying to solve my clear as day issue but I ended up giving in and walking away for a while. \n\nI was stubborn....(Still am)\n\nWhat I failed to realize was that what webistes need the most besides h1, div and p tags is it needed CSS...and that was one thing I didn't even know anything about. I didn't even know it was reqired at the time. \n  \nI felt like a huge failure and at the time I didn't believe in myself enough to continue, because like most I hate failing on things that I work really hard on. \n  \n Now although I am primarily a web developer I do tend to dabble in other languages sometimes when I really want to learn more, but next post we will talk about my time spent playing around with Java, and the 3D engine I couldn't finish making (still to this day the camera bug still plagues me). \n  \nTill next time my friends, safe travels. \n\n \n\n\n",
                "bookId": "book:duJ9DfUJE",
                "createdAt": 1683832658702,
                "updatedAt": 1684861663547,
                "status": "active",
                "share": "private",
                "numOfTasks": 0,
                "numOfCheckedTasks": 0,
                "tags": [],
                "_id": "note:SmKOd_wq2",
                "_rev": "29-ac371e96f48e4c2bf25c2d9363de97b7"
            "seq": 103
    "last_seq": 103
} +497ms

But it didn’t get exported. The bookId of the note is "book:duJ9DfUJE".
Is your INKDROP_BOOKID the same as this notebook ID?
The tool checks the bookId at this line here: inkdrop-live-export/index.ts at 3584286280fb3664bd681ded9c67c14415471b15 · inkdropapp/inkdrop-live-export · GitHub

Well after all that discussion about what my issue was, we got it fixed and now it’s working as intended. You pointed to the right place to make sure if my bookId was proper, and it was, but there were characters in there that were not supposed to be there, and they were causing it not to update in real time.

But I might have found a bug…unless you know about it.

When it exports it doesn’t properly export per line…i’ll use this as a better example:

So I am working on a new blog post and in inkdrop it looks like this:

Welcome again travellers.
The last time we spoke we were talking about my first actual run with HTML and the problem I faced with it that made me want to push it away for the time being.

But after saving and checking the browser it shows up like this:

Welcome again travellers. The last time we spoke we were talking about my first actual run with HTML and the problem I faced with it that made me want to push it away for the time being.

And if I space it out both inkdrop and the site looks like this.

Welcome again travellers.

The last time we spoke we were talking about my first actual run with HTML and the problem I faced with it that made me want to push it away for the time being.

Yes technically I normally space like the above, but when I accidentally didn’t I noticed it didn’t export the same way it looked in inkdrop.

Other than that I am glad we got my little issue fixed.

Thank you

Good to know that we got it fixed.

Regarding the line breaks, you should learn how they work in Markdown:

CommonMark spec:

I apologize, i did not read all of the documentation for fully using inkdrop.

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