2 images (1920x1080) not loading on Android

Hello Takuya,

first congratulations and thank you for looking into the image problem!

At the current state though the images won’t load with an updated version. I guess the images aren’t in the cache yet and Inkdrop does not sync then again.

Hi Marco,

Thank you for testing it!
That’s weird.
I wonder if it failed to write images to the app document directory.
Because the app basically checks if it has an image in the document folder before fetching it from the database.
Can you check if the app gets any errors like permission denied with Logcat on Android Studio?


I’ll check if there is another possible issue.

I’m trying this right now. Can I send the output to you somewhere securely?

I’ve checked the permissions. You are right - they weren’t active. Are those new? Sadly Android has not notified me. Perhaps an additional check to grant them would be great.

After granting manually I got this:

Ah it’s self hosted via couchdb btw :sweat_smile:
Oh you have just trouble with me :grimacing:

Ohhh that makes sense! I didn’t test with a custom couchdb setup.
Actually, I updated the beta app 2 hours before to add some error handlers.
I’ll test it tomorrow.
Can you see the files stored in your CouchDB? They should look like:

  "_id": "file:8CwjPJOg3",
  "_rev": "1-af318e0e31b090a6b9af065185daf248",
  "createdAt": 1555320967747,
  "name": "ios-icon_01@76.png",
  "contentType": "image/png",
  "contentLength": 4803,
  "md5digest": "fe7484d752914507459aa46eb517375f",
  "publicIn": [],
  "_attachments": {
    "index": {
      "content_type": "image/png",
      "revpos": 1,
      "digest": "md5-/nSE11KRRQdFmqRutRc3Xw==",
      "length": 4803,
      "stub": true

Pushed build 67! Now it should download images from the custom CouchDB.

Sorry for my late reply but I had a lot of work to do :grimacing:
I just tried the new Android build with my couchdb setup and it works beautifully! :pray:
Thank you very much! I can finally gather ideas for photo projects also in Inkdrop.

The only problem that I see is that Inkdrop does not ask for the storage permissions when they weren’t there in older versions. The user currently has to activate then manually in the system settings.
For new downloads and users it should ask automatically, right?

1 Like

Cool! Thank you for testing it!

I guess you are talking about WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission, but the app actually stores images in its document folder.
It doesn’t require any permission, and the app already stores the SQLite database in it.
You tried three builds:

  1. The first build that got ‘ENOENT’ error
  2. The second build with additional error handlers that caught the download error
  3. The working build

So, I guess it should work fine on other devices.
Thanks again for your cooperation :slight_smile: I’ll prepare to roll it out.

v4.1.0 has been released! (Credited in the release notes)
Thanks again for your report XD